Teeple Architects

Teeple Architects

Near : Far. Preface by Stephen Teeple. Introduction by Thom Mayne. In this volume, 13 projects are presented. Teeple Architects' work stands out in the modern day architectural scene for its ability to generate work that, while underscored by its functionality and setting, avoids the homogeneity that this may imply through the generation of discontinuous and complex forms and spaces. This kind of architecture focuses on details, links and coherency amongst constituent parts to develop both the functional complexity required of public buildings and the comfortable interiors characterizing residential structures. It is no coincidence that Stephen Teeple’s motto is: "Near is far" - underscoring a philosophy of design which maintains the same technical rigour and stylistic quality when dealing with both the overall vision of a piece of architecture and all its individual details. 119 Seiten mit zahlreichen Farbabb., Großformat, gebunden (L'Arca Edizioni 2007) leichte Lagerspuren/mint

statt 30,00 €   3,00 €   (inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versand)

Bestell-Nr.: 3676 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht: 1,14 kg
Sachgebiet: Architektur, Städtebau
Lieferzeit: 2-7 Tage (gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für alle anderen Länder finden Sie hier)


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